
Length: 141mm

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Exclusive to: London


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Q: Is this a popular choice?

A: Definitely yes, as it provides cutlery that is different!

Q: Do I have to hire multiples of cutlery or can I just choose the exact number I need?

A: You can choose the exact number you need – we don’t stipulate that you have to hire cutlery in 10s, for example.

Q: Is this Guest Vintage tea / coffee spoon polished stainless steel?

A: No, it’s a brushed steel finish.


  • Rustic, matt finish
  • Great styling
  • Other items in the matching Guest Vintage range also available
Hire days Price
1-3 Day Rate £0.69
4-7 Day Rate £1.21
8-31 Day Rate £3.63
When selecting dates over 31 days, your order will be processed as a bespoke quotation and we will contact you as soon as possible.
For Longer Term Hires
Contact us for bespoke quotation

Transport Calculator

This product price does NOT include VAT, refundable deposit, transport charges or any other associated changes such as the slight damage waiver fee and/or the return dirty fee, where applicable.


Length: 141mm

Additional Information

Exclusive to: London


There are no reviews yet.

Be the first to review “Guest Vintage Tea / Coffee Spoon”

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Q: Is this a popular choice?

A: Definitely yes, as it provides cutlery that is different!

Q: Do I have to hire multiples of cutlery or can I just choose the exact number I need?

A: You can choose the exact number you need – we don’t stipulate that you have to hire cutlery in 10s, for example.

Q: Is this Guest Vintage tea / coffee spoon polished stainless steel?

A: No, it’s a brushed steel finish.

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Product Description

Our matching Guest Vintage cutlery set brings something unusual and exciting to the table (quite literally!). Choose from the complete range and select the best fit for your type of event and the menu courses that you plan to serve. It’s no coincidence that contemporary cutlery is always in demand as event professionals are constantly seeking to differentiate their event from the rest and so why not hire this brushed steel Guest vintage tea / coffee spoon hire as part of the matching set.