Exam & Office

Office environments need to be efficient, professional and effective, whether these are temporary pop-up offices in a city centre, or an event production office on-site.  Learn more in this section, where we have combined our exam & office related blog articles, about what equipment is available for you to hire, and how other clients nationwide have used our range to full effect.

Locker hire for large events

Locker hire for large events

Create efficient temporary event offices with our office furniture range

Create efficient temporary event offices with our office furniture range

Modular white reception counters

*NEW* Modular white reception counters

Temporary event office furniture rentals

Temporary event office furniture rentals

White office desks & pedestals

*NEW* White office desks & pedestals

Mesh swivel office chair

*NEW* Mesh swivel office chair

The A-Z of Event Hire: U is for unit chairs and table hire

The A-Z of Event Hire: U is for unit chairs and table hire

Green 4 door locker hire

*NEW* Green 4 door locker hire

Hire dividing screens for events & temporary offices

Hire dividing screens for events temporary offices

Temporary planning office furniture hire

Temporary planning office furniture hire