Exam & Office

Office environments need to be efficient, professional and effective, whether these are temporary pop-up offices in a city centre, or an event production office on-site.  Learn more in this section, where we have combined our exam & office related blog articles, about what equipment is available for you to hire, and how other clients nationwide have used our range to full effect.

Lights, camera, furniture hire: Hire event equipment for film & TV studios

Lights, camera, furniture hire: Hire event equipment for film & TV studios

Where speed meets style: Event equipment hire for velodromes

Where speed meets style: Event equipment hire for velodromes

rent a desk for temporary office

Rent a desk for pop-up offices and short-term needs in London

office furniture hire

5 things to check before choosing office furniture hire

Event locker hire explained

Event locker hire explained

Low white lockable cupboard

*NEW* Low white lockable cupboard

Mobile dry wipe whiteboards

*NEW* Mobile dry wipe whiteboards

Blue & grey 2 door lockers

*NEW* Blue & grey 2 door lockers

Grey 2 door lockers

*NEW* Grey 2 door lockers

Charcoal fabric unit chairs

*NEW* Charcoal fabric unit chairs