What are YOU looking forward to when this is over?

Check out today's blog online at Event Hire UK - let's look forward to the future together!
What are YOU looking forward to when this is over?

With the current COVID-19 crisis well and truly upon us, and business almost on lockdown, it’s very difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel.  This is especially true of the events and hospitality industry, with the summer period normally bringing with it a whole host of outdoor events, parties, carnivals, air shows and other exciting events and occasions that are hugely popular with the UK public at large.  Yes, it might seem like a pipe dream just at the moment, but let’s consider that the industry WILL return to normal – we’ve just got to ride this period out together.

So, whilst we’re all batoning down the hatches, what are YOU looking forward to when it’s all over?  If you’re a wedding planner, then it will be lots of happy brides and grooms who perhaps have had delay their special day because of the virus.  If it’s a corporate event, then perhaps happy clients who have kept their faith in you to deliver the best possible experience for their clients.  Maybe you’re an air show organiser who is looking forward to seeing the Red Arrows over their event.

In reality – and this is especially true of the team here at Event Hire UK – we’re basically looking forward to celebrating normality. It’s amazing how it often takes periods of adversity to make you realise what is important and what you take for granted.  When it’s all over, we’re looking forward to working again with our fabulous clients, helping them lay on superb events and occasions that are better than ever, so we can all celebrate together the fact that we’re just simply ‘back to normal’.

Stay safe everyone.
