Have you considered reusable cup hire for large events?

Check out today's blog which looks at reusable cup hire for big events and events, brought to you by the expert team at Event Hire UK!
Have you considered reusable cup hire for large events

We all know the importance of behaving in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner, and that is where reusable cup hire comes into its own.  Single use plastic is one of those things that has always been widely used at festivals and events, and it’s always a challenge to reduce it, due to the temporary, outdoor nature of many of these events.

Not any more, though, as there’s no need to receive a flimsy, single use plastic cup, with the advent of reusable cups for events.  And yes, before you ask, they ARE still plastic, so let us explain…

Reusable cup hire for eco-friendly events

Reusable cups are designed to be, well, reusable time and time again.  Generally, these reusable plastic cups are made from either polypropylene (which will give you 300+ washes), or polycarbonate, which will give you 500+ washes.  At the end of their life cycle, these are returned to the cup manufacturing process, to provide a closed loop solution.

Event organisers use reusable cup hire in different ways.  Some charge a levy or premium on the price of the first drink, with the user then bringing the cup back after every drink, to receive a new drink in a fresh cup.  The used cups are then sent off for industrial washing, sanitising, drying and packing for the next time.  

Others use a deposit scheme where you can get your money back at the end of the event, and others donate the deposit to a charity or good cause, helping with their CSR responsibilities at the same time.  Ultimately, there is no doubt that reusable cups HAVE to be a better option than single use cups.

You’ll find reusable cup schemes in operation at major festivals such as Lost Village, for instance, Premier League football grounds such as Aston Villa, and large scale event venues such as Goodwood.  If you want any more information on these, don’t hesitate to visit our friends at the ONE Planet ONE Chance Reusable Cup System.

You can also hire reusable cups for events from Event Hire UK, including the revolutionary STACK-CUP reusable cups, which use their handles to stack on top of each other, meaning that you can carry more drinks at one time.  Less time spent queueing at the bar!

As well as the standard reusable pints and half pints, did you know that you can also hire reusable wine glassesreusable Champagne flutesreusable American style soda tumblers and even reusable whisky tumblers, for example?  The world really is your oyster now when it comes to reusable cup hire for events.

So, if you are an event or festival organiser, and looking for a reusable cup hire solution for your outdoor event, don’t hesitate to check out the range of eco cups online right here at Event Hire UK.

Browse and place your secure order 24/7 and put your faith in the hands of the experts – we can’t be beaten!
