5 things you need to become an event planner

Check out today's blog from Event Hire UK and learn about the 5 things you need to become a successful event planner. Visit us today!
5 things you need to become an event planner

If you’re new to the industry, you might think that being a wedding or event planner involves nothing more than sitting around choosing some flowers and decor whilst sipping a glass of champagne.  Nothing, however, could be further from the truth!

The role of an event planner is all-encompassing.  It becomes your life.  The typical 9 to 5 job will seem like a distant memory.  Expect calls in the evenings and at weekends.  And emails that need answering immediately, even though you’re in the middle of four other tasks at the same time.

The best event planners, however, love their job, and this is what makes it one that is exciting, demanding and rewarding, all rolled into one.

But what are the 5 things that you need to become an event planner?  In reality, there are lots of these that we could have listed, but here are just a few that spring to mind!

A diary

Whether you still use pen and paper, or an electronic diary system on your phone, for instance, your diary is your bible.  Without this, you will be lost.  Make sure that whatever system you have, works for you.  We’re all different!

A proactive nature

The best event planners have a proactive nature.  This means that they are heading off problems before they even arise.  Let’s face it, nothing ever goes 100% according to plan, but if you can anticipate what is going to go wrong, and hedge your bets, then the chances are that you’ll come out smelling of roses.  It’s often best to try to visualise in your mind how you want your event to look and also how it will run, and then work backwards from there.  

A black book of contacts

If you’re new to the industry, then you’ll need to make some initial contacts quick smart!  However, if you’ve been an event professional for a number of years, then by now you will have built up an extensive ‘black book’ of contacts who you can call on at any time, and they will be able to assist you in their particular field of expertise.  It might be a chair hire company or furniture hire company, or maybe an AV company or wedding decor specialist, for instance. Not only will you have certain companies within each of these sectors, but you will have a personal contact who you know will help you out when the pressure is on!

A ‘plan B’

We all know that even a plan B might not be enough, especially for larger events.  If you plan for every eventuality, this is not a bad starting point.  The ability to do this comes with experience, and so of course – like anything else – being an event planner becomes easier over time.  You’ve just got to go through that short term pain if you’re just starting out!

A sense of humour

Above all, perhaps, it’s the personality and character of an event planner that is the most important thing you need.  An engaging character, with a sense of humour, is always going to achieve more.  People work with people, and so if you are pleasant and warm towards others, then the chances are that this will be reciprocated.  Always help others when you can, and when your back is against the wall, they will step up and help YOU!

When it comes to event furniture hire and more, professional event planners are able to work with the experts here at Event Hire UK to source everything they need.  Better still, we have a wealth of experience in dealing with all sorts of events and venues and so provide a seamless hire experience from start to finish.

Browse and place your secure order online 24/7, safe in the knowledge that you are putting your faith in the hands of the experts!
